Reclaiming the political center for a better Indiana.

Divisive Indiana politicians don’t represent Hoosier values.


For too long, the loudest and most extreme voices have drowned out sensible solutions. With faith in government at an all-time low, it's time to restore trust, respect, and accountability to our political system—by elevating candidates who represent the center, where most Hoosiers are.


People over parties

Like candidates for any job, politicians should be judged on their record, character, and impact on those they serve, regardless of whether they lean left or right.

What we stand for

Results over rhetoric

Voters deserve to know where candidates stand on issues that matter and how we all can make a difference.

Patriotism over politics

Our democracy is a precious gift that must be preserved for our children and grandchildren, and we must work together, despite our differences, to protect it.



Why it’s time to act


think neither party governs ethically


think both parties are too extreme


think our democracy is in crisis

*Source: Ipsos/NPR (Jan 2022), Pew Research (Aug 2022)


What success looks like

We believe that every Hoosier deserves: 

  • To be heard.

  • To have an equal voice

  • To choose, not be chosen by, their elected leaders.

  • To have real choices between at least two candidates who will work for everyday Hoosiers.

  • To not feel like they’re settling for “the least bad option” or given no choice at all.

  • To be able to choose leaders who have integrity and who will work to earn and be worthy of our votes.

The path to a better democracy is in our hands.


Change starts with creating alternatives to party extremes that drive most voters away. Together we can restore fair competition, voter confidence, and choice to Indiana political races.


Frequently asked questions

  • ReCenter Indiana includes two separate bipartisan organizations to help move Indiana politics closer to the center and to bring more civility to political discussions.

    One organization, ReCenter Indiana, is an Indiana political action committee (PAC). The other organization, ReCenter Indiana Inc., is an Indiana not-for-profit corporation.

  • Centrists are most likely to engage in respectful dialogue with those holding different views. Centrists negotiate in good faith. Centrists are willing to compromise to achieve solutions that serve a majority of their constituents.

    Moderation is an attribute of character, not ideology.

  • Our PAC will provide financial support to political candidates and political campaigns.

    Our not-for-profit corporation will support activities permitted under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, such as voter education.

  • The bylaws of both the PAC and the not-for-profit corporation state that decisions about what candidates to support and what positions to take on political issues will be made by a Board of Directors, the majority of which cannot come from any one party.

  • Yes, you can find that information under “Directors and officers”.

  • No. We think that would create potential conflicts of interest.

  • The PAC will have a bipartisan Candidate Selection Committee to make recommendations to the PAC’s board of directors about which candidates to support, operating under a clear and transparent charter.

    The PAC’s board of directors will either accept or reject those recommendations.

  • Candidates can email to set up a meeting to discuss potential fit with ReCenter Indiana’s goals.

  • Click the Get Involved to sign up to be keep in touch, volunteer, and be notified of future ReCenter Indiana events.

  • Give to our PAC or non-profit by clicking the Donate button. You can also seek an appointment with a ReCenter Indiana board member or officer to discuss larger donations by sending an email to